Monday, December 30, 2019

Walt Disney s Opening Day - 1620 Words

Before Walt Disney World was built, Walt Disney had to secretly purchase the land using fake company names in order to buy it inexpensively. He first had to explore across the United States for the perfect location. He wanted to fulfill his idea: â€Å"A family park where parents and children could have fun together.† He had already begun when Disneyland opened in 1955. Opening day was successful in numbers: the freeway had a seven mile backup, an estimated 15,000 people were coming, but 28,000 showed up that day (Klein). Purchasing the Land Before there could be any ideas about what the new park would look like, a location had to be determined. Walt Disney searched all across the United States. He needed an area with lots of land; Walt said he would never make the mistake of not purchasing land around the structured park because as soon as Disneyland opened, it was surrounded by tacky stores, restaurants, hotels and gift shops. They were visible from inside the park, which made him very upset (Mongello). One of the first ideas for a location was Niagara Falls, New York. Walt flew to the Falls and met with the mayor to discuss his idea. The plan didn’t last very long, and Walt soon moved to another location, Marceline, Missouri. It was where Walt lived until he was nine. He planned on buying a 45-acre farm for the project. It was a special place that meant a lot to him; actually, Main Street in Disneyland was inspired by Marceline. Before the plan was tossed, Walt stayed upShow MoreRelatedDisneyland History1565 Words   |  7 PagesDisneyland s History [pic] One day Walt Disney had a vision. It was a vision of a place where children and parents could have fun together. The more Walt dreamed of a magical park, the more imaginative and elaborate it became. The original plans for the park were on 8 acres next to the Burbank studios where his employees and families could go to relax. Although, World War II put those plans on hold. During the war, Walt had time to come up with new ideas, and creations for his magical parkRead MoreMedia Networks : 2014 : 21.15 Us Billion Dollars Essay1599 Words   |  7 Pages the Disney/ABC Television group and the ESPN Inc. Media Networks also includes supporting headquarters, communications, digital media, marketing, distribution, research and sales groups. To break it down, the Disney/ABC†¯Television†¯group is made up of The Walt Disney Company s world wide entertainment,†¯television†¯news properties, the†¯television†¯networks†¯they own, for example Disney Channels Worldwide, ABC Family as well as many more networks that are all owned by Disney.†¯Ã¢â‚¬ ¯ †¯ B) The Walt DisneyRead MoreThe History of Disneyland1272 Words   |  5 Pageswas created by Walt Disney because of his love for cartoons and continued to be built by Roy in 1966 after Walt Disney’s death. Walt Disney was born December 5, 1901in Chicago, Illinois. He did not have the idea childhood due to his family being financially unstable and his father was not the nicest to him. As a child Walt’s father Elias believed in corporate punishment and beat him regularly. Since the family was poor, they had to move around a lot so they could find jobs. Walt and his brothersRead MoreInspiring Many : The True Story Of Walt Disney1352 Words   |  6 PagesStory of Walt Disney â€Å"Walt Disney was a dreamer, just a kid who never grew up,† (University Meghan’s Channel†). He took his dreams and made them real in his motion pictures, sharing them with kids and adults around the world. Walt would become the greatest and most powerful innovator in film. His filmmaking and entrepreneurial skills would make him a lasting figure. Born in Chicago December 5, 1901 (Langer), Walt had an incredible dream fulfilling life ahead of him. His parents were Elias Disney and FloraRead MoreWalt Disney : The Man Behind These Characters, And The Creation Of One Of The World1039 Words   |  5 PagesEVERYONE KNOWS THE CHARACTERS OF MICKEY MOUSE, MINNIE MOUSE, AND DONALD DUCK. WALT DISNEY WAS THE MAN BEHIND THESE CHARACTERS AND MANY MORE. A BOY BORN IN CHICAGO, IL AND MADE HIS WAY TO HOLLYWOOD, CA CREATED MANY OF THE GREATEST CARTOON CHARACTERS AND BROUGHT FAIRY TALES TO LIFE. THE DISNEY NAME IS KNOWN NOT ONLY FOR CARTOONS BUT MOVIES, TELEVISION, RADIO, AND THE CREATION OF ONE OF THE WORLD’S LARGEST AMUSEMENT PARKS. WALT WAS BORN IN CHICAGO, IL IN 1901, ONE OF FIVE CHILDREN, 4 BOYS AND 1 GIRL.Read MoreThe History of Disneyland Paris1215 Words   |  5 PagesThe History of DisneyLand Paris In the beginning... Following on from the success of the DisneyLand theme park in Anaheim, plans to build a European version first started around 1975, nine years after Walt Disney died. Initially Britain, Italy, Spain and France were all considered as possible locations, though Britain and Italy were quickly dropped from the list of potential sites because they both lacked a suitably large expanse of flat land. The most likely site was thought to be in the AlicanteRead MoreWalt Disney : A World Without His Magic, Whimsy, And Optimism1641 Words   |  7 Pages2016 Walt disney Try to imagine a world without Walt Disney. A world without his magic, whimsy, and optimism. Walt Disney changed the entertainment industry, into what we know today. He pioneered the fields of animation, and found new ways to teach, and educate. Walt disney was a person that had a great mind and was a better leader. Walt disney was a man that influenced the people minds to join and help during both of the World Wars. Walt disney was born December 5, 1901Read MoreWalt Disney s Influence On The Entire World927 Words   |  4 PagesElias â€Å"Walt† Disney, sound familiar? Even though he was a very famous innovator and pioneer, Walt is known for many different things. He and his brother Roy co-founded Walt Disney Productions, which is one of the best known motion-picture production companies in the entire world. Walt Disney was also the founder of theme parks Disneyland and Walt Disney World. Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901, In Chicago, Illinois. His father was Elias Disney and his mother was Flora Call Disney. DisneyRead MoreWalter Elias Disney s Life1216 Words   |  5 PagesWalter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois. His father was Elias Disney, an Irish-Canadian, who was a building contractor, and his mother, Flora Call Disney, was German-American, who was a public school teacher. Walt was one of five children, four boys and a girl. He lived most of his youth in Marceline, Missouri, where he began painting, drawing, and selling pictures to neighbors and family friends. In 1911, his family moved to Kansas City, where Walt acquired a loveRead MoreEssay on The Life of Walt Disney1667 Words   |  7 Pagesyoung man started off with one idea that lead to bigger and better ideas as time went on. Walt Disney imagined what people thought to be the impossible and created a Disney empire that was made up of cartoons, movies, amusement park s, and much more entertainment. To think if Walt Disney never shared his visions with the world, there would be no animation, amusement parks, Mickey Mouse, or any classic Disney movies like Snow White, Mary Poppins, or Beauty and the Beast. Also, children wouldn’t have

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Stages Of Social Play - 1026 Words

The stages of social play is a theory that is composed by Mildred Parten. In 1932, she conducted a study of children from ages of 2 to 4 years old. The goal of her experiment was to identify the interaction of children among peers and influences of play. There are 6 stages of social play behavior; unoccupied, onlooker, solitary independent, parallel activity, associative play, and cooperative organized play. All of these stages were represented in my observation of the toddlers play with one another. The first 3 behaviors of social play correlated to a child’s independence involved to social play among his or her peers. Those behaviors are unoccupied, onlooker, and solitary independence. First, the behavior of a child may not engage in†¦show more content†¦The child may play beside groups, but not be totally in the group. Second, the child may play with other children. The child will have a conversation and interaction with designing and playing games. Lastly, the beh avior of the child may play in groups that are organized by order of constructing or accomplishing objectives in the games. For example, the game of freeze play or tag is a game that has an objective, which is to tag the other person before someone does the action to the other. On September 28, I observed 2 to 4 year olds at the Child Development Lab that is overseen by Tennessee Technological University. I arrived at the classroom at 4:00 p.m. Most of the kids were energetic, but a few of the kids were quiet. The number of kids were 5 boys and 2 girls in the classroom. Until, the teacher decides to take the kids outside for free play. The children were combined from the other classes to join for recess. The teacher had set rules for the children. As the children waited for the teacher, they sat on the yellow line of the concrete step in front of the gate. After, the teacher checks who all is present at the playground, then the kids are permitted to play. All the kids started running throughout the playground and sectioned off into groups or stood by themselves. All the children were different with social play, but I share two stages that were represented in social

Saturday, December 14, 2019

World War Ii the American Experience Free Essays

string(45) " fortifying a village along the beach front\." World War II: The American Experience HIS120 Date World War II: The American Experience It is no known secret that America attempted to reframe from becoming a part of what was projected as being a major war which started with the European culture. Historians believe that the second war was a contribution of the Great Depression which caused for America to seize from their investments in Europe. This caused for a struggle of power in Europe which provide an opportunity for Hitler and Stalin to obtain control over Europe. We will write a custom essay sample on World War Ii the American Experience or any similar topic only for you Order Now However receiving control over Britain would become a challenge. The prime minister at that time knew in order to survive he would need an alliance; the United States. With Germany, Italy, and Japan seizing majority of Europe, President Roosevelt agreed to support Britain in the war in order to promote the â€Å"Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom for want, and freedom for fear† (Schultz, 2012). With the booming of Pearl Harbor on December 7, President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war. Once war was declared and with Hitler also declaring war on the United States; this became the beginning of World War II. North African Campaign Figure 1. Allied Operations in World War II, 1942-1945 American troops entered into North Africa in late 1943. The North African Campaign, better known as the Desert War, took place in North African desert which surrounded those areas of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and the Western Sahara (United States History, 2012). After the Axis (name given for the Germane, Italian, and Japanese) were defected in France, Northern Africa became the focus of conquering. It is stated that the North African Campaign was fought for not only one reason but for two reasons. The Suez Canal was the first objective to gain control over for the reason that the Suez Canal will be the source of controlling the Middle East. The second objective for the North African Campaign was the Middle East oil supply and resources. Egypt was a main focus due to the location in which was at the center of the Eastern Mediterranean, Abyssinia, and the Middle East (United States History, 2012). Operation torch was lead by General Bernard Montgomery. During operation torch, British troops were in Egypt fighting the Germany’s while American troops launched an invasion of French North Africa (United States History, 2012). The objective for operation torch was to gain control of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia which were all under the French dictatorship. By having control, the Allies (Britain, Soviet Union, and the United States) wanted to push the Axis out of Africa. The Allies were successful. â€Å"On May 12, 1943, the last organized Axis army force in Africa surrendered. The Allies had killed, wounded, or captured about 350,000 Axis soldiers, and had suffered about 70,000 casualties. After the victory in the North African Campaign, the stage was set for the Italian Campaign to begin† (United States History, 2012). Italian Campaign Figure 2. The Pacific and Adjacent Theaters, 1942-1945 At the Casablanca Conference held in Casablanca, Morocco in January 1943; the decision was made to invade Italy. The Allies had their first war conference to discuss the invasion. This launched the Italian Campaign which placed Allied soldiers on the mainland in Europe. The Italian Campaign consisted of five objectives: to â€Å"capitalize on the collapse of Italian resistance, make immediate use of ready Allied strength, engage German forces that might otherwise be used in Russia and northern France, secure airfields from which to intensify the bombing of Germany and the Balkans, and gain complete control of the Mediterranean† (United States History, 2012). D-Day; Normandy landings was the Operation Husky. During this operation, Allies landed on the beaches while leading the Germans to thinking that they would attack Sardinia and Corsica. Due to the bombing in Rome, the head of the government king Mussolini was forced to resign from his position. At that time, the Italians wanted to withdraw from the war with Japan and Russia. Operation Husky wanted to completely eliminate Italy from the war. By the end of the Italian Campaign, the war against Germany reallocated to France. â€Å"In the spring of 1945 Allied forces penetrated the final German defensive line to enter the fertile plains of the Po River Valley. On May 2, the Germans in Italy surrendered† (United States History, 2012). Japanese American, Infantry men of the 442nd Regiment, runs for cover as a German artillery shell is about to land outside the building. Levine, Italy. April 4, 1945. Normandy Campaign The objectives of the Allies were during the invasion of Normandy was eliminate all of the Germans capabilities of trying to organize a counterattack during the Allies amphibious assault. The Allies used their airborne capabilities to seize significant objectives like bridges, road crossings and terrain area’s mainly on the eastern and western flanks. The Allies also used their airborne infantry to land behind enemy forces on the beaches of Normandy to help egress the amphibious forces and also neutralize and destroy the Germans coastal defenses batteries. Sword beach was invaded by the British infantry, we the infantry made it ashore they were met with light resistance and the suffered minimal casualties. They had advanced five miles inland by the end of the first day of battle, but they did not meet their major objectives such as Caen which was still in possession of the Germans. Juno beach was invaded by the Canadian army; they were met with heavy German resistance upon landing ashore in Normandy. There were by heavy machine gun fire, pill boxes, and other major concrete fortifications that the German army had set up. Juno beach was the second heaviest outpost guarded by the Germans. The Canadian Army was the only unit to reach all of their objectives on D-Day. Gold beach was invaded by the 50th (Northumbrian) infantry division; they were also met with stiff German resistance due to the Germans fortifying a village along the beach front. You read "World War Ii the American Experience" in category "Papers" However, the 50th infantry divisions were able to overcome Germans and were able to proceed to outskirts of Bayeux by the end of the first day. The 50th infantry division then linked with Allied commando units who were securing the Port-en-Bessin. This gave the Allies a base that they could deploy the PLUTO pipeline. Omaha beach was invaded by the American allies; they met fierce resistance from the German 352nd Infantry Division who were Germany’s best trained force for defending the beaches and coastal areas. Omaha beach was so well fortified by the Germans that the Americans missed most of their landing objectives. However, after battling the Germans for three days the American allies were able to penetrate the Germans fortifications and move forward. Utah beach was invaded by the 4th infantry division; they were met with very little German resistance and were able to move further inland by the late afternoon where they linked up the 101st airborne division. After the beaches were secured allied forces were able to set up the Mulberry Harbors, which allowed supplies and reinforcements to come ashore to support allied forces. Victory in Normandy was followed by a pursuit to the French border in short order, and Germany was forced once again to reinforce the Western Front with manpower and resources from the Soviet and Italian fronts. By September, Allied forces of seven field armies (two of which came through southern France in Operation Dragoon) were approaching the German frontier. Allied material weight told heavily in Normandy, as did intelligence and deception plans. The general Allied concept of the battle was sound, drawing on the strengths of both Britain and the United States. German dispositions and leadership were often faulty, despite a creditable showing on the ground by many German units. In larger context the Normandy landings helped the Soviets on the Eastern front, who were facing the bulk of the German forces and, to a certain extent, contributed to the shortening of the conflict there. War in Europe The Battle of Atlantic was a battle that began with Great Britain declaring war on the Germans in September of 1939. The battle of the Atlantic brought about significant changes and creative inventions to the allies military. This was a major reason that allied forces were able to defeat the Germans in the Battle of Atlantic. The Battle of the Atlantic cost thousands of soldiers their lives and thousands of Navy ships were destroyed as well. During World War II allied forces conducted strategic bombing missions against the German’s. Allied forces would bomb railways, harbors, industrial places, and cities. As World War II begins to intensify, allied forces began to conduct numerous bombing missions. Allied forces bombed city believes that it was physiological warfare and they believe it would break the enemy’s will to continue fighting. The Majdanek concentration camp was located in Eastern Poland and was the first concentration camp that was liberate by the soviets in July of 1944. Before the Soviets were able to liberate the Majdanek concentration camp the German Nazi’s had killed between 90,000 and 140,000 prisoners. Majdanek concentration camp was initially a Prisoner of War camp that housed Russian Prisoners of War, but the camp soon turned towards a concentration camp for the Jews. It is estimated that 60,000 Jews were killed during the camps operation. In July of 1944 the soviets advanced on the Majdanek concentration so fast that the German Nazi’s were not able to conceal the evidence of the torture and killings they had committed. Liberation of Paris America was in war on two fronts, the war against Japan, and the war against Germany. The beginning of the conflict started with Paris started with Britain and Germany over a blockade that was preventing America to trade with either country. America had signed a treaty to stay out of the conflicts with foreign countries. America was drawn into the conflict when Germany decided to launch a full scale war with against Britain and France (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012). Paris had been invaded by the Germans, causing stress, killings, and havoc to the residents until D-Day, a code name for Destination Day, when America and France liberated Paris and broke the Strong hold of Germany and freed Paris (â€Å"Weider History Group†, 2006). Operation Market Garden was a strategic military maneuver plan in September 1944 to be carried out by planning to attack the Germans from the north, south, across the Rhine River, and west of Normandy along with an air attack. This plan failed due to conflict in order on when to strike and bad weather (Macdonald, n. d). The Germans strategy was if they could take control of smaller section of a country like Belgium, they would eventually take control of the country entirely. The Battle of the Bulge was one of the largest battles to take place on the west front. They lost the battle because they were spread too thin and was unsuccessful in knocking out the power in Bastogne, Belgium (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012). During the time of war the three allied forces, Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt was under great concern of the condition Poland would be in as they draw near their victory of the World War in January 1945. The Soviet Union, United States, who sided with Great Britain, was at odds with each other over Poland of which Soviet Union occupied. The Soviet Union wants to serve as a buffer for Poland whiles the United States and Britain wand Poland to be more independent. The Soviet Union proposal was more favorable and resulted in the Yalta Agreement. Churchill was in disagreement with the decision and the Soviet and Britain ended up in a Cold War (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012). While at the conference meeting in Yalta, Churchill and his ally, Roosevelt was planning an attack on Dresden, a city outside of Berlin. This city was a city of refuge that had no military stations of weapons. It only was a place that had hospitals and house to care for the wounded from the military. The people fled to the city seeking refuge from the Red terror of the war. Many of them were Jews, men women and children. The total death from the bombing is really unknown but is to be said to be over 600,000 (â€Å"The WWII Dresden Holocaust – A single Column of Flame†, n. . ). During the time of all the events that took place in Germany and World War II, it finally broke the back and the strong hold that Hitler had over Germany. At the end of the Holocaust of Dresden and the slaughter of Jews from the concentration camps of which 30,000 were killed, giving an estimated death toll of 600,000 men, women, and children. Hitler was known to have committed suicide in April 30 , 1945, given victory over Germany, known as of today called V- E Day, â€Å"Victory in Europe Day (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012). War in the Pacific The United States was holding a war on two fronts, the war in Germany with Britain and France against Germany, and the war against Japan. The Great Depression was perhaps the cause of both wars. With the Stock market crashing and the fall of the economy, America and some of the countries it served and served it was becoming financially ruin and was fighting to stay in power. Each country feeling its own power was trying to make sure that they were not going to be taken advantage of (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012). America had a strong presence in the Pacific and Japan did not want them there. They were fighting over who would control Hawaii. Japan also wants to take control of all Asia and China. During the time of World War II, Hong Kong was a part of Britain territory. MacArthur and Nimitz are two officers that have great similarities in helping turn the war to the benefit of America. Douglas MacArthur was a General in the U. S Army and Admirable Chester Nimitz was an officer in the United States Navy who had different styles of leadership that worked together to regain control of land and water in the Pacific War. Gen. MacArthur took control of the Philippines and Adm. Nimitz gain control of the Pacific. Churchill and Roosevelt were winning the war. Along with the best two commanders, they began to use a strategy to keep Japan from getting a foothold by sending troops to take over small islands and maintaining control and at the same time pushing the Japanese back while earning the name Island Hoppers (Schultz, â€Å"World War II,† 2012). References Center of Military History. (1992). A Brief History of the U. S. Army. Retrieved from http://www. ibiblio. org/hyperwar/USA/USA-C-WWII/index. tml Schultz, K. M. (2012). HIST2, Volume 2 (2nd Ed. ). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. The WWII Dresden Holocaust – A Single Column of Flame. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://rense. com/general19/flame. htm Weider History Group. (2006). Retrieved from http://www. historynet. com/world-war-ii-the-liberation-of-paris. htm United States History. (2012). Italian Campaign. Retrieved from http://www. u-s-history. com/pages/h1742. html United States History. (2012). North African Campaign. Retrieved from http://www. u-s-history. com/pages/h1727. html How to cite World War Ii the American Experience, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Multitasking While Driving free essay sample

Carnegie Mellon University studies shows that multitasking while driving can negatively affect the performance of all tasks, especially degrades the ability to drive. If men and women were more informed of the consequences and were to take action against this, there would be less accidents and driving would be safer than it is now. The California law precisely focuses on texting while driving which is ineffective because it is not the only cause of accidents; therefore, the law should prohibit all forms of multi-tasking while driving.Historically, texting was introduced in the later in the 20th century and adopted in the 21st century. Texting is when a person sends a text message through his or her phone. Texting became popular to consumers and it began to be dangerous to society when used while driving. As texting started becoming popular throughout the years, it created a problem to society. To resolve the issue driving laws were introduced on September 24, 2008 by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Even after it was lawed to be illegal, the consequences still continue today. The law is not enforced enough to resolve this issue. To create a solution to talking and driving, hands free was created but conversations sometimes tend to be so interesting that causes the person to lose track of the road, which leads to an accident. Studies have proven that multitasking while driving affects the brain (Atkins, 2008). People need to be informed about the consequences more and laws should be stricter to prevent future accidents and a safer driving experience. If young teenagers that are starting to drive were more informed bout the causes of multitasking while driving, it would help significantly drop the accident rate, since 52% of teens talk on the cellphone while they drive (Car Accident Cell Phone Statistics ). Presently, both men and women of older and younger generation are being affected by this problem in several ways. Whether the person may be driving or simply walking on the road, the effects of multitasking can harm either and even both. The consequences can be life threatening. After interviewing Sgt.Brad Cornelius Beverly hills police department regarding texting while driving, he states that collisions have increased because of texting while driving, state wide and nation-wide. When asked if he had any personal experiences regarding this problem he said â€Å"enforce the laws, step up the reinforcement, provide more information to schools, some students unclear about the laws† (A. D. Ackerman, Interviewer) Sgt. Brad also had a personal experience regarding this issue; his daughter was 16 and had less than 6 months of driving experience and was hit by a driver using his cellphone. This caused his daughter to hit a tree at 50mph and she is still recovering, but brain damaged and will never fully recover because now her quality of life has changed. Multitasking while driving can cause a variety of problems depending on what is being done while driving, the consequences can be life threatening. Some drivers tend to read a book or eat a sandwich while they drive. These actions can be very dangerous. Many times quick decisions are needed to be made while driving. If you are reading a book or a magazine you risk being distracted and causing an accident.Many times people get so into what they are doing, whether it may be eating a burger or flipping pages in a magazine they forget to turn on their light signals and make a turn anyway. Eating a sandwich and spilling ketchup on your lap and trying to wipe it after may cause off-sight of the road which is also dangerous. It is sad that drive-through is still very popular for traveling motorists. Many individuals do not have financial coverage and this leads to the tax payers to pay for their action. The number of uninsured Americans is nearly 50. 7 million according to USA today.This is a great number of people, the population of America is nearly 300 million, 1/6th of Americans actually have insurance. Tax payers have to pay for all those who do not have insurance if they get into an accident. Yet, there is nothing being done about this cause. Laws are not enforced enough to keep issues like this one away. Even worse, if no law is created to stop this issue, hundreds of lives will be lost. Even if something is done really quickly, it does not necessarily mean it will be ok if you do it while you driving. It is not only putting the driver at risk but also the people driving around him.The number of deaths while driving are as high as 42,636 per year (U. S. Driving Fatalities, Total and Alcohol-Related, 2005). It tends to increase year by year, which is not a good sign. Future drivers need to be educated and informed of the effects multitasking and driving can cause. Something needs to be done to resolve this issue and the only person we have to blame is ourselves for not taking action to change it. We must do something while we still have the chance. Supporters of texting while driving argue that whatever task they are doing while driving, it is being done â€Å"carefully†.Even if you think your being careful does not necessarily mean it will have no consequences, nobody can predict the future. It may seem like an alternative but sometimes many individuals get so into what the conversation is about rather then what they are doing and it can lead to an accident. Anything done while driving, can never be considered safe. Those who stand for multitasking and driving argue that hands free devices are an alternative to holding your cellphone and talking. Social communications can also be a dangerous distraction causing accidents.Conversations can be so intense in some cases that the driver might glimpse away from the road and look at the person who is speaking. Sometimes this can be risky, due to the fact that even a simple mistake can cause a terrible accident. Many times children tend to make disruptions by throwing things and rough housing while an individual is driving. Sometimes this can cause the driver to look back at them and miss a potential hazard. These actions can all lead to something serious. Hands free devices are not a solution to this problem. The California law for driving may become stricter as years go by, hopefully.However, people will probably continue text to message while driving and risk their lives. Knowing that it can lead to serious consequences, people still do what they want. It is legal to do many things while driving, but is it the right thing to do? Is it worth putting your life in danger to eat a sandwich because you are hungry? It is decisions one must take upon themselves, and choose what is right the thing to do vs. what needs to be done. California driving laws regarding texting while driving is ineffective and it is not the only cause of accidents, newer laws need to take place to fix this issue.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Smartphones Comparison Essay Essay Example

Smartphones Comparison Essay Paper Today with the development of engineering we can have many cell phones or smartphones that are really modern and have many maps. I’m looking for a smartphone that I feel that phone is suited for me. I consider 2 smartphones I choose. It’s the Apple iPhone 4S and the Samsung Galaxy S II. We will compare some characteristics both of them such as: design. screen. processor and operating system so that I can take a smartphones for me. The first thing I want compare the Apple iPhone 4S and the Samsung Galaxy S II are the designs of it. The Samsung Galaxy 2 weighs merely 116g. and its dimension is 125x66x8 millimeter. The Apple iPhone 4s weighs 125g. and its dimension is 115x59x9 millimeter. Both the iPhone 4S and the Galaxy S II expression elegant and smart. If compared on good-looks. the Samsung Galaxy S II is marginally better with singular tenuity. In add-on. the Galaxy S II is besides lighter than the iPhone 4S ( 117 gms versus 140 gms ) . but its constructions is longer and wider. This is rather apprehensible because Samsung uses less metal in the Galaxy S II design. Therefore. if you try to keep both of them. iPhone 4S will experience more steady. The 2nd thing we want to compare is the screens of Galaxy S II and iPhone 4S. The screen of Samsung Galaxy S II is 4. 27-inch. 800 ten 480 post exchange and has a 218ppi. Super AMOLED Plus and iPhone 4S is 3. 5-inch. 960 ten 640 post exchange. 326ppi. LCD. We will write a custom essay sample on Smartphones Comparison Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Smartphones Comparison Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Smartphones Comparison Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Apparently. the screen of the Galaxy S II is bigger than apple iPhone 4S. If you put the two smartphones side by side. you’ll see the difference that the Galaxy S II allows surfing and watching films with the 4. 27 inch screen. One of the most of import characteristics is the 4. 3-inch WVGA AMOLED screen S2 Galaxy Super Plus. It is one of the brightest things I’ve of all time seen. The screen of iPhone 4S is great. but the screen of Galaxy S II is greater. Another thing. we compare small spot about processor of it ( the Samsung Galaxy S II has Exynos 4210 1. 2GHz and iPhone 4S is A5 1GHz ) . The double processor french friess are produced by Samsung. is dual-core CPU with high velocity. The chief difference lies in the ability to manage artworks. The Galaxy S II integrates rather impressive artworks processor bit Mali400 rather I. However. Apple’s PowerVR SGX543MP2 A5 is more powerful than the Galaxy S II. Thus. the device powers supply Apple with the artworks sm oother than Galaxy S II. The following thing we talk about camera both of them. The Samsung Galaxy S II has camera 8MP and picture entering 1080p. and the iPhone 4S has 8MP camera and picture entering 1080p. As for camera map. the iPhone 4S and the Galaxy S II are equal. The camera has echt high-ranking image stabilisation. good face sensing capablenesss. and can hit in low light conditions. In the current smartphone marke. t the camera of the iPhone 4S and the Galaxy S II is the best 1. The last thing I want to compare is connectivity and operating system. The connectivity of iPhone 4S is 3G. GPS. Bluetooth 4. 0 and Wi-Fi. and the connectivity of the Samsung Galaxy S II is Wi-Fi. DLNA networking. GPS. NFC communications near. 4G ( depending on version ) and Bluetooth 3. 0. Apparently. the Galaxy S II is more connective than iPhone 4S. Although Bluetooth 3. 0 on the Galaxy S II is more rearward than Bluetooth 4. 0 on iPhone 4S. Galaxy S II allows running 4G web – a immense advantage ( the iPhone merely runs 3G web ) . The Galaxy S II besides scored DLNA radio connectivity through applications All Share. the experts rated higher than AirPlay of IOS or even Apple Television. In add-on. operating of the iPhone 4S is iOS 5 and Siri. and the Galaxy S II is Gingerbread Android 2. 3 and 4. 0 interface TouchWiz. About the engineering acknowledge Siri voice control package is an of import point on IOS. As of now. the experts claim iOS 5 has â€Å"learning† all the best things of Android and added to its user interface. It can be said. both the iPhone 4S and the Galaxy S II have great engineering in every characteristic. However. if we compare more badly. the Galaxy S II is marginally better than the iPhone 4S. The dual-core A5 bit in the iPhone 4S is truly innovative. but nil compares with the touch screen of the Galaxy S II. Or more people would hold beloved IOS than Android. merely because â€Å"intelligent assistant† Siri. For me. after comparing in a general manner I feel more like taking the Samsung Galaxy S II than the Apple iPhone 4S.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Essay about Recipe Butter and Cream Cheese

Essay about Recipe Butter and Cream Cheese Essay about Recipe: Butter and Cream Cheese Chunky Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies 1  ¼ all-purpose flour  ½ teaspoon baking soda  ½ teaspoon salt  ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon  ¾ cup butter = 1  ½ sticks  ½ cup sugar  ½ cup brown sugar  ½ cup peanut butter 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips  ½ cup chopped peanuts 1) Combine flour, baking soda, salt & cinnamon in small bowl. 2) Beat butter, sugar, brown sugar & peanut butter in a bowl until creamy. 3) Beat in an egg. 4) Gradually beat in flour mixture. 5) Stir in the semi-sweet chocolate chips and peanuts. 6) Drop by rounded tablespoons onto an ungreased sheet. 7) Preheat 375 ° for 7-10 mins. Soft Pretzels 2 tablespoons hot water (110 °) 1 1/3 cups warm water 4-5 cups flour 1 package dry yeast 1/3 cup brown sugar Kosher salt 1) Preheat 400 ° 2) In a bowl mix hot water & dry yeast. 3) Stir in warm water. 4) Add brown sugar. 5) Add flour 1 cup at a time & mix well. 6) Knead about 5 mins & add flour if sticky. 7) Grease pans well. 8) Divide the dough into 12-16 equal portions & roll into a long roll & shape like a pretzel. 9) Fill a 3 quart pot sauce pot almost full with water. 10) Count the number of cups of water & put the same number of tablespoons baking soda per cup of water. 11) Bake for 10-12 mins. Wendy's Chil 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1  ½ – 2 lbs. ground chuck 10 oz. can french onion soup 21 oz. red kidney beans – undrained 8 oz. can tomato sauce 6 oz. can tomato paste 1 tablespoon chili powder 2 teaspoons cumin  ½ teaspoon black pepper 3 drops tabasco sauce 1) In a pot over medium heat, brown the meat in the oil breaking it up as it cooks. 2) Puree soup into a blender & pour over the meat. 3) Stir in remaining ingredients into pot. 4) Simmer over low heat stirring occassionally for at least 30 mins. Pon Asian Wonton with Sweet Soy 1 lb. ground pork or chicken  ½ cup white onion, minced 2 tablespoons ginger paste  ¼ cup sweet soy sauce  ½ bunch fresh cilantro 1 tablespoon vegetable oil *enough oil to have 1.5-2† layer in pan for shallow frying Wonton skins (40) 1 cup water 1 cup all-purpose flour Salt & pepper to taste 1) Saute onions & garlic 2-3 mins. 2) Add meat & ginger paste & cook it. 3) Stir in sweet soy sauce. 4) Remove from heat & add chopped cilantro & cover with lid & set aside. 5) Heat pan to medium high heat. 6) Dust surface with flour. 7) Lay out wonton wrapper. 8) Place approximately 1 teaspon of mixture in center of wrapper. 9) Wet the edges of wrapper & fold to make them look like a triangle 10) Place them in oil gently & fry on one side 30 secs-1 min & turn them with tongs. 11) Remove them from oil & drain on cooling rack & drizzle them with sweet soy sauce. Mounds 2 lbs. confectioners sugar 1 stick of butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 large package coconut 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1) Mix all ingredients together. 2) Shape in a flat oval. 3) Dip in 12 ox. melted chocolate combined with  ¼ stick wax in a double boiler. Cavatini 1  ½ cup shell noodles 1  ½ cup twist noodles (ratini) 1  ½ cup hollow noodles (penne) 1 lb. ground beef 1 onion, chopped pepperonis, chopped jar of spaghetti sauce 12 oz. Mozzarella cheese 1) Cook noodles 2) Brown ground beef & onions 3) Add pepperonis & spaghetti sauce & heat until simmer 4) Place noodles in a 9x13 casserole dish & pour other mixture over & stir 5) Sprinkle cheese on top & bake 350 ° oven for 25-30 mins or until cheese is starting to brown. Oreo Truffles 1 16 oz. package oreos 1 8oz. package cream cheese, softened 2 8oz. package semi-sweet baking chocolate melted 1) Crush 9 oreos to fine crumbs. 2) Crush remaining oreos to fine crumbs 3) Place in a bowl & mix with cream cheese until well blended 4) Roll into balls about 1 inch in diameter 5) Refrigerate 6) Dip balls into melted chocolate & place onto waxed paper 7) Refrigerate

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Group Dynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Group Dynamics - Essay Example This was primarily about assessing how serious they were in their passion for music, whether the group and its members loved the kind of music that I loved, and whether they were at par with me in their knowledge and skills about music. I could see that there was some imbalance between the kinds of behavior I expected and the kinds I actually received. But I could rectify this imbalance considerably by my efforts to prove myself before the other members and also sometimes by demanding what I felt, I deserved. I could prove to them that I was seriously passionate about music and that I have serious knowledge and skill in the subject as well. All the same, I could feel that the group and its members were evaluating me as well in the same way. I could feel they concluded their evaluation with a positive note and thus I also became an accepted and trusted member of the band. It was out of this whole experience that I became closely emotionally attached to the group. I also felt that by r emaining in this group, I could gain personally in future also. Thus I became totally committed to this group. I was the only keyboard player in this group and thus I could contribute to our dream to become a winner in the prestigious national level competition.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity - Essay Example The most important element to point out is that every kind of faith is very critical in relations to spiritual perceptive and healing process especially when nursing caregiver is completely from a different faith. However, much has been linked to Christian philosophy and faith of healing. According to Kliewer & Saultz (2006), nursing and healthcare service is one of the most critical professions that call for a response of diversity from both cultural aspects and religious concepts of life. In the past, nursing care practices has made recommendable achievements in bridging the gap between religious practices and patients care in the healthcare industry. As such, there are concerns to carry out an evaluation on the importance of healthcare diversity because some religious faiths believe that healthcare practices interfere with their faith in God while others accept healthcare practices as an activity ordained by God to inspire positive health of the believers. As a healthcare provider, there is a need to assimilate healthcare diversity that embraces religious inclusion into the service centers because it would help to prevent the believers from feeling isolated. The above approach is quite important since it integrates well with faith and spiritual philosophy with lon g-term healthcare effects across denominations. A practical approach can best be illustrated through Baha’i, Buddhism and Sikhism amongst other religious denominations. The Baha’i religion forms the youngest faith of independent believers across the world. The above religion was founded by Prophet Baha’u’llah who has gained recognition by the believers as an anointed prophet of God. Baha’i religion respects humanity and a perception that all mankind is of one biological and spiritually unity. Baha’i teachings are streamlined towards morals and benevolent of the society. Besides, the religion denounces any act of slavery while encouraging equity of gender with only one wife in

Monday, November 18, 2019

How management team can have a goog fight Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How management team can have a goog fight - Essay Example The article outlines the authors’ purpose of identifying possible conflicts in the management and the adverse effects they will have to the organization. There are research findings that the authors analyzed to elaborate on their project. The authors discovered that managers’ exhibit authoritative powers vested on them by the organization so that the subordinates realize their positions and mandate in the organization. The authors identify different phases whereby, the managers exhibit personal behaviors based on personal motives and not the organization’s set goals and objectives. They briefly analyze and realize that organizations are vulnerable to the conflicts, and the most harmful is the fact that, challenges arise whenever the company seeks to coerce managers to deliver their functions jointly with lesser conflicts (Eisenhardt, et al 77). Kathleen and coauthors research depicts the conflicts should alternate from unethical to ethical, and to that extent, will be beneficial for to the organizational performances. On a different expedition, the authors researched on conflicts of managements in technology-based organizations. They undertook the project throughout technology-based companies, whereby they interviewed executives at the individual capacities. They established that the top-management teams faced challenges in the dynamic environment, despite managing conflicts in the organization. They met the threats of uncertainty and discontinuity of operations lest they resolved internal conflicts. The researchers depicted that, most of the managers would argue out on the conflicts technological dynamics tend to call for faster approaches in resolution and adoption respectively, which tends to strain the organization beyond the capacity. The findings depict that emotional and egocentric characteristics will unlikely inhibit the negative influence of conflicts and adaptation to vulnerable changes

Friday, November 15, 2019

Structure of Malaysia’s Imports and Exports

Structure of Malaysia’s Imports and Exports Degree of openness in trade giving a definition of level of one country and its economy having trade with another country. FDI (foreign direct investment), import, export, repatriation of funds abroad and lending are examples of trading elements. Openness degree in trade can be measure by trade openness ratio. Trade openness ratio indicated the simple average of total trade (export and import of commodities and services) relative to GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Generally, the higher the trade openness ratio, the larger influence of trade on domestic trade. Malaysia economy having high degree of trade openness and financial openness. Financial openness can refer to the total of external assets and liabilities relative to GDP. In 2004, the trade volume has increased twice the size of economy. Moreover, the amount of external assets and liabilities also twice of the size of economy in 2004. Figure above shown that Malaysia rates high among 28 emerging economies from Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. Originally, Malaysia is rating with 58 economies that make up the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) but the graph above only show out 28 emerging economies. Trade openness of Malaysia only lower than Hong Kong and Singapore which is well known of financial centre nature. Besides that, Malaysia also having high ranking in financial openness with more than median score, 2.03. Surprisingly, Malaysia having higher financial openness than United States and Japan with well developed economies. However, comparison in East Asia, Malaysia ranks lower than Singapore, Brunei and Hong Kong. Diagram above indicated that the Malaysia trade openness has increasing significantly from 1980 to 2004. One of the reasons of increasing trend in trade openness is structural changes occurring in Malaysia’s economy based on its trade direction. Besides, open current account and liberalization of capital account also reasons influenced increasing trade openness. As Malaysia became more and more integrated with global economy, Malaysia’s economy and financial system will significantly become more and more ingenious. aswink Content The ratio of exports and imports to GDP in Malaysia A related concept that has received much less attention from theorists is that of the degree of openness of an economy. The relevant question is not what does a country export or import but how much does a country export and import in relation to its GDP. The theory of commercial policy establishes a relation between protection and volume of trade. Commonly, judgements on commercial policies of Malaysia are made based on the comparison of volume of trade to GDP ratios. These comparisons and policy recommendations are usually done without resort to any theory stating which are the factors determining the degree of openness of an economy. Table 1 shows basic data for the world’s extremes in terms of openness. (Carlos Alfredo Rodriguez, 2000) The extreme variability of openness ratios is quite evident. While Malaysia exports are 93% of its GDP, Myanmar’s exports are just 1.5%. The commercial policy is one determining factor in explaining some of these observed differences. Myanmar is more protectionist than Malaysia. They conclude that protectionism alone cannot explain openness. However, the more protectionism should be associated with less openness. The other variable they want to focus on is country size. Small economic units must specialize in producing few goods in order to attain optimal scale and be competitive. They must therefore export those goods in exchange for the imports of the goods they do not produce. Malaysia is a developing country, thus it should be more open on the degree of openness. They expect the trade to GDP ratio to be both negatively related to size and to a measure of protectionism. A high degree of protection of domestic industries in the form of high tariffs or of strict quotas on imports in Malaysia The structure of the Malaysia’s imports and exports In early 1980s, Malaysia began its export-oriented development strategy focusing on the exports of manufactures. Since it does not have abundant in raw materials and capital goods, Malaysia have to import more of the intermediate manufactured goods and the machinery and equipment from oversea. In 1970s, the structure of Malaysia imported almost an equal proportion of food, beverages, tobacco, and fats at 21 percent; inedible crude materials, mineral fuels, and lubricants at 20 percent; intermediate manufactured goods at 25 percent; and machinery and transport equipment at 28 percent. (Yusoff, M.B. 2005) Since the Malaysian imports from EU have started to decrease to 16 percent in 1980 and reduced further to 11 percent in 2000 mainly due to the fall of the imports from the UK. The share of imports from ASEAN remained stable at about 23 percent during the same period. Malaysia had begun to source more imports from the US and Japan in 1970. The share of imports from the US increased from 9% in 1970 to 17% in 1990 and remained at the same level in 2000. Malaysian imports from Japan was 17% of its total imports in 1970 but increased to 24 percent in 1990 and remained stable at about 21 percent 1990s. For East Asia: Taiwan, South Korea, China, and Hong Kong have become about equally important sources of Malaysian imports. As of 2000, Japan was the most important sources of Malaysian imports, followed by the USA, and Singapore. (Yusoff, M.B. 2005) On the other hand, there has been a tremendous increase in the Malaysia’s exports during the 1970- 2000 period. Malaysian total exports in 1970 were at RM 5,263 million which increased further to RM 28,172 million in 1980 growing at an annual rate of 43.5 percent. In 1990 the total exports was RM 79,646 million registering an increase of 18.3 percent per year during the 1980-1990 period. There was a revival of Malaysia exports in 2000 at RM 373,270 million giving a growth rate of 36.7 percent in 1990- 2000 period. Most of the exports went to ASEAN and the US, followed by EU and Japan. They accounted for 76% of Malaysian exports in 1970 which declined to 70% in 2000. (Yusoff, M.B. 2005) The structure of Malaysian exports has changed substantially. In 1970s and 1980s, most of the exports were in the form of raw materials: inedible crude materials, mineral fuels, and lubricants which had decreased from 61 percent in 1970 to 57 percent in 1980. By 1990 these exports accounted for only 33 percent of the total exports while the exports of manufactured goods began to appear when its share increased from 26 percent in 1970 to 55 percent in 1990. The contribution of the inedible crude materials, mineral fuels, and lubricants fell to only 12 percent in 2000 while that of manufactured products increased to 82 percent. (Yusoff, M.B. 2005) Although the manufactured exports have increased significantly, Malaysia has some major weaknesses in terms of its composition. Notably, most of the manufactured exports have been in the form of intermediate manufactured goods where their shares increased from 23 percent 1970 to 49 percent in 2000. The exports of machinery and transport equipment increased from 2 percent in 1970 to 25 percent in 2000. Malaysian exports of final manufactured goods are still at relatively small contributing only 8 percent of the total exports in 2000. The changes in the structure of Malaysian exports have been due to the deliberate government policy to industrialize and develop the domestic economy through the export-oriented development strategy since 1980s by diversifying and intensifying the export base and at the same time focusing on manufactured exports. (Yusoff, M.B. 2005) There have been major changes in the degree of â€Å"openness† of Malaysia in recent decades. From a primary producer with a gradual industrialization strategy, the Malaysian economy has undergone transformation into a highly-open economy through greater trade and financial integration since the late 1970s. As a result, Malaysia’s trade openness is among the highest in the region, reaching a peak of 192% of GDP in 2000. (Annual report 2012) Models by Grossman and Helpman(1991), Rivera-Batiz and Romer(1991), Romer(1990) suggest that the expansion of international trade increases the number of specialized inputs which then causes economic growth as the domestic economies become more open to international trade. Consistent with its outward-looking growth strategy, Malaysia have a balanced export structure. This structure has produced a good counterbalance when manufacturing (e.g. electrical and electronics products) exports fell, exports of primary commodities (e.g. rubber and tin) increased because they had different consumers and demand cycles. In addition, Malaysia’s manufacturing and primary commodity exports tend to be upgraded to incorporate higher value added and innovation. Thus, technology acquisition and availability of skilled labor are essential for this transformation in order to develop more exports that originate in Malaysia. (Mahani Zainal Abidin, 2011) If China and other Asian countries are able to generate their own domestic demand, then the prospects for Malaysia’s exports will become bright. Consequently, East Asia has now become Malaysia’s largest trading partner through the diversification of the markets. The share of China in manufactured exports has increased from 1.7 percent in 1996 to 12 percent in 2009. The share of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations remains at about 27 percent. However, the share of traditional markets has declined whereby the United States to 13.2 percent in 2009 from 21.7 in 1996, the EU to 12.2 percent from 14.5 percent, and Japan to 7 percent from 11.1 percent for the same period. (Mahani Zainal Abidin, 2011) Therefore, Malaysia operating now continues with the outward-oriented development strategy, it had kept its tariff levels at significantly low levels by the developing country standards. Unilateral, regional and multilateral initiatives in recent years have caused trade weighted average tariff to be as low as 8 per cent, down from 15 per cent at the beginning of the industrialization drive. (Ariff, 1998) References: Carlos Alfredo Rodriguez, Universidad del CEMA Buenos Aires, Argentina, (2000). Retrieved from Tariffs, (2001). Retrieved from Bank Negara Malaysia. (2007). White Box: Openness of the Malaysian Economy. Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparing Internet Privacy in the European Union and the United States :: Internet Private Censorship Essays

Comparing Internet Privacy in the European Union and the United States Introduction Most people regard one's right to privacy as a fundamental right. But how do we define "privacy?" According to Basse, there are three aspects to privacy: freedom from intrusion, control of information about one's self, and freedom from surveillance.1 Certainly, we cannot expect complete privacy in all of these aspects at all times. However, technological advances are making it increasingly difficult for individuals to determine when they can and cannot expect privacy, and what degree of privacy they can expect. For example, at one time a personal conversation taking place far from prying ears would have afforded the participants a very high expectation of privacy. This was no longer the case once directional microphones were developed. Similarly, satellites in orbit high overhead can take pictures of places that had previously been considered private (and do so with astounding resolution). GPS-compatible cellular phones can be used to pinpoint the location of the person carrying them. Computers are another technological advancement that has threatened the privacy of an individual's personal information. In 1977, it was announced that computer matching, which takes previously unrelated files, would be used to reduce welfare abuse.2 Computer matching is now commonplace both within the government and in the private sector. While this type of matching would have been possible without the use of computers (by hand matching hard-copy file, for example), computers have made it practical, relatively easy and inexpensive. With the Internet, organizations can transfer data from one point in the world to another easily and almost instantly, further facilitating the practice of computer matching. In addition, with the rise in popularity of the World Wide Web, the Internet has become not only an information exchange medium, but also an information collection medium. Consider browsing the World Wide Web. Simply by visiting a web page, one has already told the owner of that web site quite a bit of information about one's self. Web browsers routinely send web servers information as part of the hypertext transport protocol (http) request. This information can include things such as the date and time of the visit, the web browser's IP address, the type of web browser and operating system, and the URL of the web page previously visited. In addition, web servers can send "cookies," small files containing identifying information, back to the web browser. In this way, a web server can now uniquely identify repeat visitors to a web site.